Saturday, September 26, 2009

week 5

For the blog this time, introduce the object you chose to write about on our visit to the Ternbach museum in Klapper Hall last class then explain its natural and/or supernatural uses.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

week 3

For your blog this time, post a paragraph from the essay you have been drafting in response to one of the three topics we were working on last week. The topics were: 1) to discuss a natural place of value to you (and explain why it is significant); 2) to explain the meaning of Dillard's distinction between the naturally obvious and the artificial obvious and how it applies (or doesn't apply) to experiences of seeing that you have had; 3) or discuss how (or whether) K.C. Cole's thesis that "quantitative changes make huge qualitative differences" is apparent in the ordinary world that you encounter everyday. [This last option is taken from p. 137 of the textbook under "Writing" #1.]
To recap briefly, last week I asked you to start drafting an essay on one of these topics. In class on Thursday, you used two of the common methods of introduction that we reviewed to draft different introductory paragraphs for this essay. (This coming Tuesday we will look in more detail at thesis statements, so preview pages 48-51 in A Writer's Resource about them if you have time. Also, as you finish drafting your essay, look back at the first paragraph. Ask yourself which sentence is my thesis statement. Focus on fully articulating the thesis in the introductory paragraph.) Finally for this blog post I want you to put up your best paragraph from the essay that you are drafting. See you soon,

Friday, September 4, 2009


What a wonderful Fall morning it is. To recap, by this Tuesday you should post your first comment on the class blog. The comment should respond to one or more of the questions about an image from chapter one that you discussed with fellow students in class on Thursday. You recall that the questions asked you to think about the message that the image was sending and to consider how the image conveyed that message. You discussed the structure of the image; what you observe and/or infer from looking at the image; what metaphors does the image employ; and then reflect on what the larger message of the image seems to be. In your blog comment try to focus on articulating what the larger message seems to be and how any of the other elements such as structure, observation, inference, or metaphor help build that meaning. But most importantly, just try this out, relax and I hope that it works well for you the first time. If you have difficulties with the mechanics of posting a comment, we will address them on Tuesday. 'Til then, all the best

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome to the blog. Information will be forthcoming during our class meeting tomorrow (Thursday 9/3) about using this blog for EN 110. See you then!