Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome to the Fall Semester

Hi everyone and welcome to the blog site. It was a pleasure meeting with you Thursday evening. I wanted to offer a reminder that you need to bring our book, Seeing and Writing 4, with you to class on Tuesday as we will be using it in our discussion. In fact, plan generally on bringing Seeing and Writing to each of our class meetings because we will use it in class as we discuss the readings together.

As noted on Thursday evening, your first assignment is to learn how to post a comment on this blog. Here are some pointers on getting started
Below this window, you will see the word "COMMENTS".
Click on it. Next, click in the new window that opens and type a few strokes then go below the window to where it says "select profile". When you move the cursor to "select profile", you get a drop down menu. From this drop down menu, select "google account". After selecting "google account", go over to the box labeled "post comment" and click on it. Since you are not signed in yet, you should get a prompt explaining that to complete the post requires a Google account. If you already have a google email account, sign in with it and proceed to post a comment to our blog. If you do not have a google email account yet, click the prompt to create one, proceed to create the account and then post a comment on our blog. I hope these instructions are of some help. You may need to improvise with them a little, and there is probably a way to do this that involves fewer steps that some of you will discover. We'll talk about it next class. Bring up any questions that you have then. See you soon, Paul Holchak