Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hi everyone,
For the blog entry this weekend, please write and post an approximately 10 word summary of the 100 word text that is on the back of the handout I distributed last time in class. Best, Paul Holchak

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hi All,
Here are suggested topics for the research paper.

Research Paper Topics

(1) How does one define children's right to privacy? (Search "right to privacy children," examine and assess different views.)

(2) Explain the nature and appeal of superheroes by tracing changes in the popularity of one or more superheroes over time. How do changes in the popularity and character of superheroes relate to shifts that have occurred in social attitudes and values from one decade to the next?

(3) Question number 1 on page 686-Argue for or against the assertion that visual and verbal material should be held to the same standards of evidence in journalism.

(4) Question 1 on page 366 under “Writing” relates to the He/She series of photos by Nancy Burson on pages 360-365. What cultural assumptions does androgyny challenge? (Research, select, analyze and discuss representative reactions to unconventional examples of gender identity in the U.S.)

(5) Question 2 under “Writing” on page 269. Dorothy Allison writes that “art should surprise and astonish, and hopefully make you think something you had not thought until you saw it” (paragraph 1). Choose several pieces of art-a visual image, an essay, or some other works- that surprised and astonished you and use them to support or refute Allison’s claim about what art should do. If you disagree with Allison, make sure you start with your own definition of the purpose of art.

(6) How does wearing a uniform change behavior? Discuss the nature of uniforms and their impact on those who wear them. (Research the history and rationale for using uniforms in certain institutions, for example, the NYC fire, police, U.S. military services or in case studies of schools that have required uniforms.)

(7) Question 2 under “Writing” on page 302. “Use Bill McKibben’s information to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide that has been released in the atmosphere by you” or your friends, then argue why awareness of these calculations should or should not prompt changes of lifestyle and consumption patterns. Is awareness of a social problem enough to create social change?

(8) Question 2 under “Writing” on page 626 about privacy.

(9) Question number 2 on page 686, agree or disagree with the ethical rules that Michael Stephens proposes for the use of digitally manipulated photos.

Public Affairs questions-

(10) A controversial method for extracting natural gas that is called hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking” for short) has been used for a number of years in Wyoming where its critics charge that “fracking” contaminates drinking water. Relatively soon, fracking is set to begin in upstate New York including some areas not far from the reservoirs from which New York City draws its drinking water. Should hydraulic fracturing be the subject to further environmental regulation or further study before it begins in New York state? Here’s a link to get started

11) Explain what the Supreme Court’s decision was, in the case known as Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and take a position on what its likely effects will be on campaign finance and on future elections. Here’s a link

12) Is criticism of the size of Wall Street bonuses that were paid out in 2009 justified? Are the bonuses defensible? Here’s a link

(13) New financial reforms were signed into law in 2010 that created a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard professor of law, has been appointed to manage. Explain the different points of view about what it is that the Bureau will do then take a position on whether creating the Bureau was a good idea.

(14) Define an economic bubble by discussing the bubble in the U.S. of the late 1990’s and the South Sea Bubble of the 1720’s in England. Then research the causes and remedies for the recent real estate bubble in the U.S.

(15) Describe the economic stimulus that was enacted by Congress in 2009 and argue whether or not it has worked.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hi all,
Just a reminder, the deadline for submitting essay two was moved to Tuesday, October 12th. Also, over the weekend please select one or more images from the textbook and put up a post commenting on the meaning, the questions raised,the way the artist is using his or her medium or some other aspect of the picture(s) that you find significant. Best, Paul Holchak