Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hi all,
Just a reminder, the deadline for submitting essay two was moved to Tuesday, October 12th. Also, over the weekend please select one or more images from the textbook and put up a post commenting on the meaning, the questions raised,the way the artist is using his or her medium or some other aspect of the picture(s) that you find significant. Best, Paul Holchak


  1. Pg 513

    This photo is much like the one with the person with the mop in front of the flag. the people in front of the billboard heavily contradict the message the billboard is trying to get across. The billboard also shows a more idealistic image of america while the people depict more what it was really like, and still is today.

  2. The Picture, “MC’s Dorm Room,” by Patrick Moberg depicts a boy sitting on the edge of his friend’s bed, typing on his computer. It is a picture of a typical dorm room setting in that the bed is made, the desk is cluttered, and there are posters hung up on the wall. There are textbooks laying on the bed and garbage laying on the desk. The posters hanging on the wall, the stuffed animals on the bed, and the items cluttering the desk, help to give the observer a sense of whose room they are looking at. From the types of posters hanging, the girly colors in the room, the fact that the bed is made, and the stuffed animals, it is obvious that the room does not belong to the boy who is currently in it. One could ask, does this boy have permission to be in his friend’s room? However, the way the boy is placed in the room, on the edge of the bed, it seems as if he does have permission to be there. The TV is on next to him and he seems focused on his computer and not worried that the owner of the room is going to come in and kick him out. The fact that the boy is sitting on the edge of the bed shows that he respects his friend’s belongings and he doesn’t want to ruin anything. This is an image that I can relate to because I am currently living in a dorm room. The photograph of the room is 10 digital images put together to create one image. Since digital design images are computer edited, they have clearer resolution, better lighting and clearer colors. Usually digital images are objective and there is no room for interpretation. However, since this photograph is comprised of 10 different images, Moberg was able to organize the pictures into one photograph the way he felt would deliver the best presentation possible; he was able to combine objectivity and subjectivity using the medium of digital design.

  3. Pg. 192
    When I first saw this picture, I thought of a student who is probably studying or cramming for her finals. The dark edges and dimmed lighting in the middle of the photograph puts a very serious and concentrated mood in the picture. This photograph is very dull compared to the other pictures on pgs 193-195.

  4. In the Picture of page 497 there is a man standing in the doorway or a shed. Under the picture there is a quote that says “Don’t ever t’row nutin’ out. Ya never know when it might come in handy. I made dis here door handle out a ole beer tap.” Once I read that quote it gave me a better understanding of the picture. I looked around where the man in the picture is standing and I see how a lot of the things are made by old things or junk that you think would never be of use. Old signs, and an arrow point towards into the shed, things in this picture are small things viewed as unimportant, are put together and recreated into useful things.

  5. Andrew Savulich has aportfolio of pictures named " Capturing Memorable Moments". The photograph on page 281 belongs to this section. Rightly Captioned,"Woman Laughing After Car Wreck" is a black and white photograph. the blackness of the photograph, hides the location of the crash and how the crash occured. having the photograph in black and white helps the viewer to focus on the folds of metal that once was a car. it is also interesting that Savulich has the woman in the dark, the viewer almost has to search for her in the picture. the viewer is left with a question as to who or what is the main subject in the photograph, the woman or the car.The viewer can also questions as to the validity of the picture. it seems as though it is not a still life because it is very hard to capture a moment liek this. also the damage of the car makes this scene to appear almost impossible, that she can emerge virtually untouched by the damage. the picture, as humorous and mysterious as it seems, also relays a great message. most people after a car crash are devasted, only thinking about the damage of the car. yet, this woman is smiling. she realizes the most important thing in life, is not matireal things, rather one's own life. how mariaculous it is to be alive at that present moment. one should appreciate the value of life at every moment.

  6. Pages 320 & 321
    These are two self-portraits by Robert Mapplethorpe. Perhaps Mapplethorpe's intention was to show how society's acceptance of male tendencies has changed over the years. What I mean is that the picture on page 320 shows the quintessential "man" of 1950's-era America. Opposing this is the picture on page 321 which shows a style that bloomed for men in the 1980's. Maybe Mapplethorpe intended to show how the concepts of masculinity & femininity are temporary; making them fictitious. If so, he has proven to be correct. Lines between what is typical for a man and what is typical for a woman have clearly been diminishing since the 1950's and earlier.

  7. I chose the picture Ashleigh, 13, with Her Friend and Parents, Santa Monica by Lauren Greenfield on pages 378 and 379. In the picture a young girl that is very skinny and well-dressed is weighing herself in front of her friend and her parents. The girl is only 13 and she is wearing heels, a dress, and jewelry and next to her she has a teen magazine and to the other side of her is a sink top full of beauty supplies. I think the photographer is trying to highlight how girls are pushed to look a certain way starting from a very young age. Some of the questions this picture poses are why is she where her shoes while she is weighing herself? Why are her parents standing there watching her, seemingly in approval? And why is her friend with her watching her weigh herself?

  8. I chose the Self-Portrait photos taken by Robert Mapplethorpe. The meaning behind these two photos is the dual nature of everyone. Everyone exhibits both masculine and feminine traits. He uses a change in luminosity between the photographs. The more masculine one has less brightness to it, while the other is clearly brighter. The photos also raise some questions. Did Mapplethorpe take the ideas of masculine and feminine to two radical and completely different extremes? Can his examples be considered out of date in today's society?

  9. Page 22
    I choose the picture “Mountain Lakes” by Arno Rafael Minkkinen. There are three fingers, wood floor and black background in the picture,. I think the wood under the fingers means nature and three fingers are meaning human and society . It seems human hands reign the nature and the fingers are closed so these are metaphor the human have to make society or community.And three fingers are a pyramid shape that shows dominating the society by the ruler. Two bottom fingers are squeezed that show sufferings of the life or pressures. My question is why minkkinen had a black background on the picture? Which group dose exist as the ruler today?

  10. I choose Joel Rosenthal's photo of "Marines Raising the Flag on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima, 1945." This photo is very iconic in American history. It does not merely display the raising of the American Flag. It shows the dedication and bravery that our armed forces displayed when fighting for our freedom. This photo has since been recreated numerous times. It is very easy for Americans to lose sight of the sacrifices that were made so that we as citizens of the United States are able to live a free life. I believe it is impossible for someone to look at this photo without getting a great sense of pride in our nation. This photo is essentially a symbol of American sacrifice, and I believe will continue to be used during times of uncertainty when our country faces grave danger.

  11. page 136-137.
    There is a picture of a very industrial-looking area, with nothing but dirt, fences, a crane, and other various things you would find at a construction site. In the middle of the picture is a billboard sign that has a picture of two children, a boy and a girl, playing in some kind of field. There is a quote across the billboard that says "It's the Nature of business"
    This shows how business can often wipe out homes, or habitats of animals. The area where the billboard is located is clearly uninhabited by anything, and is being used for some kind of industrial project.
    I think the message of this photo is to get businesses to stop wiping out areas of land for their use.

  12. the self portraits by robert mapplethorpe on pages 320 and 321 depict the differences between males and females. It portrays how although they are so different, there is a thin line between the two that people cross everyday. Mapplethorpe used himself as an example. first he took a picture of himself, showing off his leather jacket and cigarette, with a cool look in his eye that indicates he could care less about the current situation. He has the picture somewhat washed out so it is difficult to see specific details, as if males dont care about the exterior and are broad minded people. His hair is casually mussed up, and his shoulders are relaxed as if he hadnt a care in the world.
    then he shows himself in a second picture with no clothes on the upper portion of his body, indicating his vulnerability. he has makeup on and the details on his face and body are so clear that you can see the lines and birthmarks, showing how specific and particular females are. his hair is specifically done in a female hairdo and his shoulders are erect and his face and eyes looking almost alarmed at the camera. Its almost as if he cares very much at what people think of him, indicating that females are very materialistic and fragile people, with a tendency to spend time making themselves look as good as possible.

  13. i chose the picture on page 373 with the two women posing, one showing how diet pills worked and one being a model but looking a little too skinny. When I was looking for a picture throughout the book this picture stood out to me right away. I think the comment under the skinny model is perfect, it says "Advertising anorexia?" It's a perfect statement because I believe models in magazines are way too skinny. Girls these days are looking at this models as role models and thinking they have to be like them. Many girls in America and around the world starve themselves, make themselves sick, catche diseases such as bulimea, and anorexia, or use diet pills like the picture to the left. The picture to the left I feel is no better because women, and even girls are buying products to loose weight without doing it the right way. Many of these pills aren't good for your body at all women or girls should diet the right way and excerise to be the size they would like, not too fat and not too skinn.t
