Friday, October 2, 2009

week 6

Greetings all,
From the readings about photography that were on the syllabus for last class, state a significant idea with which you agree or disagree and state why.


  1. I agree with Babbette Hines from "Picture Perfect" on page 316. Hines talks about how a person that decides to go into a photo-booth is not just the the subject being photographed but the photographer as well. The reason for this is because he/she can decide what position to choose and what attitude will show and how to represent the self. Hines continues telling us that the person has several different chances in getting the picture he/she wants and if that person does not like the picture, he/she can always just throw it out.

  2. I agree with Susan Sontag from "On Photography". Susan talks about how a camera is useful for people and photograph record people's life around them. The photograph is important for us.Because it record our life.Whether things are bad or good. We can see ourselves from the photo.It also reflect ourselves real being.

  3. I agree with Sunsan Sontag from "On Photography" when she says that photography develops in tandem with one of the most characteristic of modern activities:turism. Usually when people travel to other places they always try to capture what their seeing and experiencing through photographs. Photographs serve a evidence of those trips. Through the photo you are able to see the beautiful panorama of the place visited and whenever you want to remember how the trip was you just look at the phptographs you've taken and revive those moments.
    Gracia Giron

  4. I agree with the passage "Homeplace" by Scott Russell Sanders. I believe the author makes a valid argument in that moving can potentially be damaging because moving requires financial means, and can potentially be damaging because it can destroy friendships, and make individuals uneasy to be exposed to a new environment. He believes staying put is the best option because although travelling is nice and allows people to be exposed to different cultures, if your always moving where can you call home? He uses anecdotes which provide for a more personal feel, as a reader, it made me agree more with his argument because he is able to persuade the reader into thinking that staying put is a positive because by simply getting up and moving, its as if all your work went to waste.

  5. I agree with Sontag on the idea that photography isn't what it used to be. I agree with the idea that photography now is about a social rite. I agree because like Sontag said, families just take pictures endlessly to capture moments, without experiencing them. Like in t.v. on an episode of "Charmed" Piper take pictures of her son at the fair but doesn't actually do things with him. Or take my family for example we take thousands of pictures but never look at them. just recently my mother has decided to go through the pictures to choose some to display in our living room, but other than that the pictures are stuffed somewhere not looked at.

  6. i agree wih Sontag on the idea that "it seems positively unnatural to travel for pleasure without taking a camera along". There are many times that people would show me pictures of the place they traveled to for vacation just for the simple reason of proveing that they went there. Even with my family it is true. We would go somewhere, that is not even that different and take pictures of our selves at that setting. And then we would rarely look at those pictures ever again.

  7. I disagree with Natchwey's actions in dealing with September 11th. Natchwey was at the scene of the twin towers collapsing but did not help save lives. His reasons behind his actions were that saving lives was not his job. He believed it was more important to stick to his job and photograph the events. I believe that Natchwey was not living in the present and if he was he would have realized that there were hundreds of people that needed his help. The pictures he took that day would just bring mourners back into the past to the day of September 11th were they lost their loved ones.
