Friday, October 23, 2009

week 9 continued

In addition to the topics posted last time, here are five more:

p. 676, question 2-Agree or disagree with the ethical rules that Michael Stephens proposes for the use of digitally manipulated photos.

Public Affairs questions-
Agree or disagree with the critics of the U.S. Patriot Act who contend that this anti-terrorism legislation allows the federal government too much power to collect information on U.S. citizens and compromises citizens' right to privacy.

What is the proper scope of presidential power? Agree or disagree with the doctrine of unitary executive power advocated by former Vice President Dick Cheney and his chief of staff David Addington.

Should the current health insurance reform package that is working its way through Congress contain a public option?

Are U.S. banking laws in need of reform? Paul Volcker,a former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, argues that the best way President Obama and the Congress can reform the banks is to reinstate a law called the Glass Steagal Act that was first passed in 1933 then repealed in the late 1990's. Argue for or against Volcker's proposal.

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