Friday, November 6, 2009

week 10

For the blog entry this time, summarize one of the sources that you have identified which contains information that you would like to use in the research paper. Use the handout "how to summarize" from last class as a guide.


  1. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, was created to repeal part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. This action opened up the market among banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies. The Glass-Steagall Act prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act allowed commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms and insurance companies to consolidate into one conglomerate company.

  2. In the New York Times article "Multiscreen Madmen," Jack Hitt talks about how their are screens everwhere. Americans spend most of their day looking at some type of screen, from computers to cell phones, it is what Americans are always looking at. So he asks, if he has something to sell, wouldn't putting it on some kind of screen help is sell? How has screens really changed the face of advertising? Lars Bastholm says, that it used to be that advertisers could say whatever they wanted, not anymore people. American have access to anything on the interent to check and see if what the advertisment says, is in fact true.

  3. People in society live in different "settings" that alter the ways in which they act and interact with others. These "settings", or "regions", are restricted partly by the perceptions that a society creates for that particular setting. People do not always act the same way in front of different groups of people or in different settings. To accommodate for the different settings people tend to put on performances, hence their acting differently. The term "front region" is used to refer to the performance given. When people put on their "front region" they cannot really act like themselves. Usually the person acts the way a person in that setting is expected to act. When a person is behind closed doors their "back region" is shown. Their performance is more themselves, and things hidden in the "front region" are now revealed. The person is able to relax, drop his front, and step out of character.

  4. Liposuction is considered the most dangerous cosmetic procedure. It can lead to several complications to the patient which can be lethal such as blood clots, punctured organs, or infections. A survey done by surgeons in 2001 showed that the death rate for liposuction alone is of 2 per 100,000. But the rate increases when multiple procedures are performed at the same time. The combination of liposuction and abdominoplasty increases the risk to 14. The longer the surgery is, the higher the risk for having a pulmonary embolism. Any physician can practice cosmetic surgeries.

  5. "What has the Space Age Done for Us?" reflects on how society changed during this period of time within the Cold War. It has affected society on a political, technical, and educational level. This "race" began with the Soviet satellite which made its startling debut on 4 October 1957. In the 15 years that followed, outer space ruled the headlines which told us that told us space was going to be a big part of our future. News of Sputnik electrified the world. Not only did it inspire excitement, it also was huge politically. Soviet scientists and engineers had demonstrated that they were ahead of everyone else. The Soviet Union, a nuclear superpower, had taken a commanding position which evoked the United States to strike back.

  6. The New York Times report that 37% of four-child families and 55% of families with more than five children live in poverty. One problem that larges families have to face is the large costs of childcare. Cost of children's dresses also pose problems to such families. When children wear school uniforms, it can reduce the parents cost.

  7. A Medical journal by Barbara C. Fisher et al stated that Mindful parenting decreases aggression in children with autism. She and her colleagues helped three parents with an autistic child and taught the parents how to mindfully go about dealing with the autistic child. Fisher and her colleagues used Kabat-Zinn’s, a longtime researcher of mindful meditation, way of mindful meditation and taught the parents how to meditate by using this technique. At the end of the teachings it was discovered that the children demonstrated a lot less aggression then before the parents' training. This study proves a direct correlation between mindful parenting and a reduction in aggression in children with autism.

  8. The article, "Are School Uniforms a good fit?" by Ryan Yeung, explores the theory that uniforms are an excellent policy to implement because it makes schools safer while also improving attendance. He also presents the critics view that uniforms have not been proven to work and may be an "infringement on the freedom of speech of young people." This article studies and examines the effect of school uniforms on student achievement. Although the results do not support or refute either side of the argument, they do strongly take the time to make evident that uniforms are not the solution to the educational problems we face today.
