Tuesday, February 9, 2010

week 3

Hi everyone,
Make sure you read the posts that your classmates put up last week if you have not done so. They contain original observations and raise some very interesting points arising out of our discussion. This time for the blog I want you to post an outline of the ideas you will be working with in essay one. (Remember the list of topics for essay one is on the syllabus under class #5). The outline can be informal or more organized and traditional. For examples of both sorts of outlines and a step by step discussion of them, see pp. 51-53 in A Writer's Resource (the second book we are using for the class). All of the best, Paul Holchak


  1. Page 96 Q 1. I will discuss different aspects of my bedroom, which I feel will catch the eye of many different people when they come in. Here is a quick informal outline of what I will discuss in my essay. First I will discuss things I would share with people and things they would see in my bedroom.
    • The trophies that are in my room
    • They build up my confidence when I look at them
    • The many religious books I have
    • A person can picture just from looking in my room that I am a devoted Jew
    • I have a pretty organized room besides for my closets.
    • I do have some basketball jerseys hanging up around my room
    • They mostly are there for me to remember my different teams not to show off or anything
    • The many snow shakers around my desk in an organized fashion
    • They all are from the different states my family and I have traveled to.

    Things I wouldn’t share
    • Although I am a pretty organized person my closet doesn’t represent me well.
    • I wouldn’t share where I keep my money although I love to trust all the people in the world

  2. Luis G. Comori
    The United States is well known as a consumer society. Also, it is known as the promised land where if you work hard enough, all your dreams would come true. That means, you would accomplish all your goals. But, communists’ government really offers the same to their citizens. Can they have all the things they want or it is just a utopia for them.
    We all know that China is a communist country, we also know that Chinese government pledges an equal treatment to all their citizens. They implement community work. For example, agricultures work together and send the harvest to the central government. Also, farmers breed the cattle and send the meat to them too. Later, the government fairly distributes the provisions to the citizens. But, what happens if a citizen fancy for two eggs sunny side up in the morning, but sadly the provisions are not brought eggs. Or after 10 hours of hard labor, a citizen wants to eat delicious and nutritious meal but it is only ripe rice.

  3. In my essay i discuss my fear of spiders and how i learned to cope with them in summer camp.

    -Introduction: The backround to my fear of spiders.
    -fear of going to camp filled with spiders
    -living with fear in camp.
    -encounter with a spider.
    -starting to learn to live with spiders.
    -overcome my fear and hold a Daddy Long Leg.
    -Conclusion:what i learned from the experience.

  4. The essay that i'm going to write is about my bedroom, how the bedroom will actually describe
    me, which is in page 96.
    In my essay, i will be describing how my room look like and what are the things that are kept and how they are kept. What is the importance of it and how they influence my life.For example: my family photo, my bed how it is organize, the godess that we worship, etc..

  5. Name: Can All the People on Earth Have All the Things They Want?
    I. Introduction
    A. Background-(include Mann’s statement and question of ‘Can all the people on earth have all the things they want?’)
    B. Thesis: Not everyone in the world can have everything they want. It’s essentially impossible, on many levels.
    II. Many wants and needs of other people contradict each other
    A. Many of these conflicts, there is no way to find a compromise or solution. Inevitably, one or both parties must either give in or lose out. Sometimes, that’s not even an option, but rather, a natural consequence:
    1. A murderers’ desire to kill contradicts his victims desire to live- either the murderer doesn't kill or the victim doesn't live, they can't both have their desire since they contradict each other.
    2. Natural consequences or effects For example, in the Green Day song, “Minority”, Billie Joe Armstrong proclaims “I wanna be the minority”. But, what if everyone in the world had that wish? Technically, the minority would become a majority. No one would be who they actually wanted to be, and we would be left at square one.
    B. the Concept of free will, or cause and effect
    1. ‘Man plans and G-d laughs’- as humans, we’re limited in the degree by which we can affect others. If we would want the entire world to feel a certain way, aside from brainwashing, or other immoral means, there's no natural way for this to happen without one person completely manipulating another.
    2. We can have influence, but not control. Ex: Hitler's plan was eventually to have the entire world inhabited solely by members of the Aryan race. He had influence, but not control. wanted the whole world to feel a certain way, but America and its allies stepped in.
    III. Chaos could, and probably would ensue
    A. Getting what they wanted could have world- destroying effects
    1. Ex: quote movie, Bruce Almighty, became G-d for a day gave everyone what they asked for, and the world began to destroy itself
    2. We don't always know what's best for us. (examples)
    B. if this is the case, having what you want would be meaningless.
    1. 'Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it’. Prior knowledge of these imminent ramifications or consequences would have completely changed your perception of what it was that you THOUGHT you wanted.
    2. If you want something, but you also want that you shouldn't have its natural consequence, that’s impossible. if we got everything we wanted, along with all of the consequences, then none of us would want anything
    IV. Resources Are Limited
    A. According to the laws of nature, certain things are impossible
    1. Two people on desert island, only enough water for one to survive. If you want the water AND you want your friend to survive, according to the laws of nature, this is impossible.
    2. It is virtually impossible to remain as ‘graceful stewards of our natural environment’ while simultaneously slowly yet subtly depleting the world’s natural resources.
    B. Law/ principle of economic scarcity
    1. ‘people's needs are insatiable’
    2. Resources are limited. Animals become extinct, ozone layer gets depleted, etc...
    V. Conclusion

  6. My choice is to write an essay about comparing and constrasting the aesthetic appeal and effectiveness of the potography "Mom Ironing" and story "I stand here ironging".
    First: Intro.
    Second: Describes the main similarity and difference
    Thrid: Analyzes the main similarity which is they both show us the gap between the mother and daughter
    fourth: Analyzes the main difference which is they present differently because of the limitations of different art styles.
    Fifth: Concludes main idea of what I have learned from these two artwork and how different art styles attract us.

  7. I'll be doing the essay on pg 96 Q1 under writing
    My bedroom(shared with my sister)
    Point out the obvious
    2 colors(coffee brown and blue)
    Paintings/drawings hung all over the place
    2 small mirrors placed diagonally
    Things I would like to share
    Window to the roof
    A few prayer rugs
    My famous closet (with traditional home clothes & tins of bangels)
    Things I wouldn’t like to share
    A broken office chair that everyone falls on
    The junk between my footboard and the wall
    The junk in the drawer underneath my bed

  8. I will discuss about some of ordinary and routines that I do every day and I love them. I believe that if you look at your surroundings carefully and pay enough attention to the meaning of everything just like you see it for the first time, you will enjoy from everything in your life even simple and oridinary such as working, studing, praying....
    I will write about praying in the morning, studing and going to college, and finally working. These are very routines that many of us do every day, but if you love them you can enjoy in your life much more.

  9. intro---- main idea is ---- internet is a part of my life.

    how the internet to related to our daily life.

    how people think about internet.

    how I spend my time to using intenet.

    ---- e-mail > keep contact with business, school, lifestyle.

    ---- facebook > keep contact with friends

    ---- weather and news > related to our life and planning.

    ---- why the internet is not reality or how people think of it.
