Tuesday, February 16, 2010

week 4

Hi all,
For this week's blog, please post the (revised) intro. paragragh to essay one. Also, if you are using one of the approaches to the intro. paragraph that we discussed in class, please note which approach that is.
Best, Paul Holchak


  1. My bedroom is filled with a plethora of different items that are significant to me in many ways. Having the many basketball trophies on my shelf, snow shakers on my desk, and religious books in my room certainly catch the eye of many different people when they enter. People can look in for a second at my room, but that glimpse will cause them to want to know more about me. They will then come in and wonder what type of person I am, and how these objects represent me. There are also several things I wouldn’t want to share with people about my room, and that’s the hiding spots for my money, and the mess in my clothing closet.

    I believe my intro is a broad statment with several examples listed

  2. The style i chose for my introductory essay was the contrast approach:
    When it came time for my first summer at sleep away camp there was only one thing on my mind. Some children are terrified of being detached from their parents for a whole month, while for others it’s the daunting task of making new friends, I however had just one fear: spiders. From an early age the very thought of spiders sent me fleeing for my life. With each new encounter, my fear increased tenfold. I realized that I was out of options; it was either learn to cope with spiders, or spend my life in a plastic bubble.

  3. After WWII, The world split into two well defined sides, The United States of America and its allies for one side and now the extinct URSS and its allies for the other side. Both countries had different philosophical thinking but both promised a better future for their citizens. The United States, known as the promised land, promised it occupants that if they worked hard enough all their dreams would come true. However, the URSS had a different ideology. They offered their citizen's community work and the control of their life is exclusively in the hands of the government.Can these two countries give to their citizens all the things they really want?

  4. Ever since their formation in early 1962, The Rolling Stones have steadily grown to become one of the most successful rock bands in history. With millions of records sold and thousands of concerts played, the Stones have certainly left their mark on the world of pop culture. One of their most famous songs, ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ was at the top of the charts for weeks, and is still quite popular today. I can’t help but wonder whether they had any idea that one of their most well-known songs would simultaneously answer one of life’s most complex theoretical questions. Apparently, Mick Jagger had a side job as a philosopher....
    [I then quoted the statement, and summed up with..]...It is clear that the answer to Mann’s question is, well, no. The truth is, the Stones say it best; not everyone in the world can have everything they want. The reason for this is simply, as will be illustrated, that the occurrence of such an event is essentially impossible, on many levels.
    >>>The writing technique I chose for my introduction was to use a rhetorical question, but then to clearly answer it by stating my thesis sentence.

  5. Aesthetic appeal is everywhere around us. We can find aesthetic appeal from a tree, a
    facial expression, a photograph, a story and many other things. A photograph named “Mom
    Ironing” and a story named “I Stand Here Ironing” are both great artwork. It is very interesting to compare and contrast a photograph and a story of the same idea.

    --An opening statement with details.

  6. Imagine you lose your eyes for a year, and then you gain them again. In this situation you have an indescribable feeling which is beyond words.So everything looks much more beatiful to you than before and you give more your attention to it; you concentrateom it azs you look at it for the first time in your life and it excites you and makes you feel enthusiastic. Some of the routines that are very special for me are praying, going to coll;ege, and working.

  7. Imagine you lose your eyes for a year, and then you gain them again. In this situation you have an indescribable feeling which is beyond words. So everything looks much more beautiful to you than before and you give more your attention to it; you concentrate on it as you look at it for the first time in your life and it excites you and makes you feel enthusiastic. If you look at your surroundings carefully and pay enough attention to the meaning of everything just like you see it for the first time, you will enjoy from everything in your life even simple and routine events such as rising the sun, raining, snowing, listening to the sound of the birds, laughing kids,… . Some of the routines that are very special for me are praying, going to college, and working.

  8. When you think of ‘ordinary’ it tells you that there will be no surprises, it’s what is expected. The ordinary he or she has two: eyes, ears, nostrils, legs, hands, and whatever other body parts that come in pairs. The ordinary day brings you a sun, some clouds, a light breeze, and perhaps a few airplanes flying overhead. These are all in order with how the ordinary mind perceives reality. Apply this idea of ordinary to objects and it’s an entire world of difference. Yes, there are ordinary objects, whether they are household objects, or school objects, or sports objects, but there is yet one major difference. When people and days come at us in the ordinary sense we don’t necessarily overlook them, we sometimes even acknowledge them and possibly even appreciate them. Ordinary objects, on the other hand, don’t even enter our minds. We don’t even give a split second of thought about each function of all the great ordinary things we own. This paper is set to emphasize and analyze one ordinary object that floats around our little world. I was sitting on an idea what object I was going to describe and praise for its unique gift to us, and then it was right there under me. I just got up out of my chair and spent the next few minutes wondering how little I truly appreciate this object.


  9. My coffee brown room with a strip of aqua blue going across the middle is a collaboration of my sister and I. That pervasive brown keeps the room toned down, while the blue makes it look like a ribbon on a coffee crunch cake. It gives the room a nice touch up, something elegant to the simple, down to earth feel of the room.
    We have small mirrors, drawings (ranging from black and whites to still life’s, and pastels), a wooden clock that ticks away every second of the day, and a comfy Home Sweet Home sign, gracing us with love and togetherness.
    My sister and I might differ very much in nature and personality (we might not always get along) but we enjoy sharing one room- living under one ceiling. As I take you through a tour of our room, you will perceive its dual nature and get a broad stroke of our personalities, habits, likes/dislikes.
    As you enter our bedroom, the first thing that will catch your eye is my sister’s messy bed. Its usually covered with bottles of spray paint, make shift canvases, and pieces of a large pink insulating foam that she has shoved behind her bed. She was born an amateur artist, trying to mold any piece of clay that she could get into her hands and paint over any wooden board. (She even tried painting on your coffee crunch cake walls!)

  10. (sorry~ lateness reply~~)

    Today, the Internet is a part of human life and related to human activities. it is full of information, such as news and business. then, people also use it for communication, such as msn, e-mail or blog. however, some people said the interneet is not reality. our relationship should be connected with meeting. in fact, we still have to use the Internet everyday and it is related to our daily life now.

    (I still need to put more information and the idea into the paragraph. i copy this from my first draft~)

    thanks 4 comment~
