Wednesday, March 17, 2010

week 8

Hi All,
For this week's blog compose a paragraph that comments on some aspect of one or more readings that we have discussed this week. See you Tuesday.


  1. The story " A beaut of a Shiner" by Jane Slaughter really expressed the idea that "a bruise on a women must be from her husband "in a very interesting and true way. Although I don’t agree with the author that the colors of a bruise are pretty, I do agree that people tend to draw the conclusions without investigation about how the bruise got on her face. They always tend to blame the husband even without thoroughly checking and trying to find the truth. It is very sad today how people blame the husband right away when most of the times, the bruise could have come from a baseball or a billboard which she knocked into as in our story. People should never make judgments without further research. A person could ruin someone’s life by spreading a false rumor around the town about the wife’s husband who they “think” caused the bruise. If they were true friends their first suspect wouldn’t be the husband unless they had further proof.

  2. It was very difficult to discern what the poem we read this past tuesday was talking about. In general I have a hard time reading and udnerstanding poetry. However, if the picture to the right of the poem was to be an aid in interpreting the poem thzt was very helpful. The poem seemed to be an account of an immigrant father who had high hopes for his daughter to live the american dream of making it to a big time college and reach greatness in American society. The daughter is hesitant because she knows her father is not acclamated with the culture and if she gets sucked in then their relationship will not be the same. She seems to like the idea of embracing American culture but she doesn't want to lose her relationship with her father; but as the picture displays it seems she is slowly getting sucked in and away.

  3. Luis Comori said, in the eighties, cosmetic surgery had a starting point and today is a very lucrative business. The fifties welcomed this new way to rejuvenate and saw the opportunity to eliminate uncomfortable crow's feet. Also, people with physical defects are turned to cosmetic surgery to fix unpleasant scars and thus improve their self esteem. In addition, participants to the beauty pageant turned to the scalpel to reach perfection and make the body so desired. But, what we're seeing in the past few years and now it becomes an acute problem, as teenagers are very obsessed with using cosmetic surgery to enhance the bust, buttocks, and liposuction and so interrupter normal development of their bodies. We see with a lot of awe how the percentage of surgeries that have left permanent and irreversible damage to patients and also as many of them died in the operating room or in the period of convalescence. I know that any individual can do with their body whatever they want but it comes to the attention that it should not become an obsession.

  4. "Beaut of a Shiner" really shows the fact that people tend to see the worst in other people. Right away if you are injured, somone thinks you have been abused or something really awful happened. This happened to Jane Slaughter as rumors immediately began to fly that her husband gave her the bruise. It's kind of sad really that people jump to the darkest conclusion. I really related to this story from my own experiences. I've had various injuries playing hockey, scratches from my cats, and swollen eyes due to allergies. Every time people assume I'm either getting beaten up or that I'm hurting myself. It's good to be on alert, but I feel that some people need to lighten up and stop assuming the worst in every situation. There are many other possibilities, such as, in Jane's case, walking into a sign.

  5. 'A Touchy Subject' by Paul fussell discuss about the social class in America.But today the idea of class us notably embrassing. I couldn't understand why people feel embrassing or do not want to talk about their class.In general, it is not good to divide people by class, every human being are same. But i feel that the class they possess is something true so why to hide. As in the picture page 483, it is written that 'There is no way like the american way' infact i feel that is true. The white people are in car and look happy but at the same time the balck people in long line are not happy they are fighting for their hunger. They are lined up in long line to get same thing. So we can see that there is class but why the people of America do not want to talk about class..

  6. Although we did not discuss it in class, an essay that I enjoyed from this past week’s assigned readings list was “Coming into the Country” by Gish Jen. Gish discusses the notion of America being the ‘land of opportunity.’ While most view this as a positive attribute of the country, it seems that Gish sees it in a different light. She writes that perhaps the overabundance of well, overabundance, allows us, or even implores us to “tune out the loudspeaker of duty tune in to the whisper of desire”. She writes how it’s almost ironic, that while America is known for being a place of freedom, its citizens are anything but free. When traveling abroad, one might lack a product or luxury they view as a necessity, and may in turn feel trapped without it. That is certainly not freedom. “Between freedom in theory and freedom in practice gapes a grand canyon”. She writes that through all of the choices, we somehow still chose the same things as everyone else, slowly eating away at the unique attributes of our mother cultures. After she writes about an incident at a youth basketball game in Santa Fe, it becomes clear that to Gish Jen, nothing is more important than holding onto the remaining strands of one’s “communal culture, against the pressures of individualism” one might face in America.

  7. The story of "beaut of a shiner" shows that people usually judge base on their observation. It is very common that an injury or bruise in a woman’s face blamed her husband! But in general it may have several other reasons such as falling on the floor, or hitting while playing basketball... when we do not have enough knowledge about an event, we should not judge people and blame them without logical reasons. Judgement is very crucial and important decision that it needs thinking carefully and having enough knowledge.

  8. I found the story "Beaut of a shiner" to be the most accurate depiction of a situation we have read this year. As the author described each reaction to her "shiner," it was as if she was describing my thoughts. I could also identify with each of the authors feelings.When the author said "I believed i really did have a guilty secret," I could relate to this because i feel the same guilt when i am in a situation where i could be doing wrong, but am not. In conclusion i loved this essay and look forward to reading other essays that have a similar impact.

  9. Define for yourself who you are is not an easy task in the America of today. Perhaps in the past such as during colonial times, a person was defined by there trade or profession. For example a candle maker or news reporter. But can we so easily define people by one factor alone? especially in this era. People think they can sum up someone if they think they know them but they only see probably, one side or "self" of that person. As Gish Jen describes each person performs a self that fits their environment. Figuring out you are in a crowd, who you want to be to them, changes your whole was of thinking. But can you lose yourself in trying to be so many people an once? Keeping in touch with yourself is an important aspect of living, as well as remembering where you came from and who you see yourself becoming.
