Friday, April 9, 2010

week 11

Hi everyone,
For the blog this time, please either paraphrase a few sentences or summarize a lengthy passage from a source that you are using for the research paper. If you do the paraphrase, please post, along with your paraphrase, the original text from the source that you are paraphrasing, so everyone can see how you have changed the original text. See you next time, Paul Holchak


  1. Source Peavler, Rosemary “ The Glass Steagall Act” Business Finance Web 4/7/10

    “The Banking Act of 1933, widely known as the Glass- Steagall Act of 1933, separated banking according to the types of banking business- commercial and investment banking. It was passed when a large portion of the U.S. banking system collapsed during the Great Depression in the 1920s and 1930s.


    The Banking Act of 1933, which also had another name, called the Glass Steagall Act of 1933 helped brake apart “ Banking” based on the business that the certain bank dealt with. The two different “ types” of banks were known as Commercial and Investment banks. The country approved this act when it was going through the Great Depression, which was caused by the failure of the Banking system.

  2. "No place like home"
    To the casual eye, Green Valley, Nevada, a corporate master planned community just south of Las Vegas, would appear to be a pleasant place to live. On a sunday last April-a week before the riots in LA and related disturbances in Las Vegas-the golf carts were lined up three abreast at the upscale "legacy" course.


    To the average person, Green Valley, Nevada, a corporate planned community south of Las Vegas, would appear to be the ideal place to live. Last April, just a week before the riots in LA and related disturbances in Las Vegas-golf carts were lined up in pairs of three at the upscale "legacy" course.

  3. The landmark bill signed by Mr.Obama will provide coverage to an estimated 30 million people who currently lack it. its passage assures Mr. Obama a place in history as the American president who succeeded at revamping the national's health care system where others, notably Bill Clinton, tried mighty and failed. the New York Times. April 8, 2010.

    the American president, Mr. Obama, succeeded to reform the health care to cover who lacks of health insurance coverage. from the research, it has more than 30 million Americans that have not health care insurance coverage. therefore, Mr. Obama planned to health care reform. the goal is help more people who can get health care coverage.

  4. Androgyny has long been embraced by strong women, soft men, and others who do not easily fit into traditionally defined gender categoriesGender is an important characteristic in most societies, and communities enforce most gender rules quite strictly. One of the most important facts to know about people is their gender. One is expected to dress and behave in ways that are gender appropriate.
    Androgynous people such as strong women, soft men, and who do not behave like other classified genders in the society are embaracing. Gender is a critical quality in the most communities, and they have specific rules for each gender. People’s gender is one of the most significant of them. Peole expect a person dresses and behaves which is suitable to his or her gender.

  5. Most feds will keep getting insurance through the well-regarded Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan.
    The health-care law that Obama signed yesterday does contain a provision requiring lawmakers and congrssional staff - who currently get covered by a federal employees plan- get coverage through the exchanges.
    Paraphrase: Federal workers will continue with the health care plan provided for them by the federal government. However, certain federal workers must switch to the new plan under the bill the president has recently signed.
