Thursday, April 15, 2010

week 12

Hi everyone,
The assignment for this weekend is to start writing the rough draft for your research paper. And for this week's blog, please post one paragraph from the draft. For our next class, bring in three copies of this draft version of your paper to use for peer review. Also, please note that the due date for the final submission of the research paper has been moved (to give you extra time) to Tuesday, April 27th. See you on Tuesday, Paul Holchak


  1. Over the past several years the U.S. economy has entered a great downfall. Many economists call it the Great Recession, which means that there is a period of great decline in total output, income and employment in the U.S. There are several reasons that are believed to have caused this recession. One of them is the failure of many banks in the country since October 1 2000. A very similar situation occurred at the start of the Great Depression in the year 1929. The banking system failure helped contribute to the Great Depression. At this point in time the banks mixed commercial and investment activities. Some people felt that this type of banking caused banks to take too much risk with people’s deposits. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was passed in response to these concerns. The United States is in a similar situation now as they were 80 years ago. Paul Volcker, a former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board has pushed for the reinstatement of the Glass- Steagall Act. ( Posner). I disagree with Paul Volcker’s approach to help solve our current situation and prevent future finantional crises, based on the many articles I have read throughout my research.

  2. Uniforms create an image and an atmosphere.They make a statement regarding the people, their role. Unifroms symbolize the person. It creates a sense of, well, unifromity which is good thing.For example,school unifroms, the uniform of Army. The uniform signifies uniformity among the people,there is no class. In the book also,by Chip Kidd he said, Superman's suit is a uniform that implies duty, mission, self-sacrifice, something offical and worthy of respect.Uniform describe the people what they are.The uniform actually defferentiate the people from noraml people.

  3. For thousands of years, people have wanted to have a sense of identity apart from others and a strong feeling of belonging to their society. Therefore, people around the world have used things such as flags and uniforms to identify themselves with their societies. Uniforms are one of the most popular ways to do this.

  4. The health care reform is aimed at remaking the nation’s 2.5 trillion health care industry. It costs nine hundred and fifty billion over ten years. It is more than the Senate bill, but less than the House. As with those plans, tax increases and some spending cuts cover the costs. It sets up a new competitive health insurance market giving millions of Americans the same choices of insurance that members of Congress will have. It will end discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions. then, the health care reform puts our budget and economy on a more stable path by reducing the deficit by more than one hundred billion over the next ten years by cutting government overspending and reining in waste, fraud and abuse. Health reform makes the health system sustainable, stabilizing family budgets, and the Federal budget.
