Monday, September 20, 2010

blog for Tuesday, 9/21

Hi everyone,
As discussed in our last class, please post the concluding paragraph of essay one as your blog entry this time. Best, Paul Holchak


  1. Although it might be crazy, humans put their faith and their lives in the care of these creatures. Hoping to receive only love, they give us so much more. Before really seeing Casey, my perception of her was dim. Casey was simply my loveable pet, who would let me play with her whenever I wanted, and then would misbehave for her daily barking routine. I never studied Casey enough to realize that these "tantrums" were her weapons against unknown and known forces. Casey is our own personal soldier, standing proud and ready for whenever her service is needed (or so she thinks).

  2. In Israel, I gained so much more than I thought I could ever need. I thought I was strong enough to help, and be there for people with any problems that might occur and maybe I was, but now I know how to deal with whatever comes my way differently. Should a similar situation occur, I think I gained the ability to be able to be there for that person just as much as I was before, but this time with out getting sucked in, and taken over by the problem. I think being able to acknowledge that I carry too much of peoples pain with me, I was able to develop a thicker skin, and can handle situations better and more efficiently. Just as Israel goes from mourning the death of their soldiers, to celebrating becoming a state, I can take in someone else’s pain and be there for them, without it becoming part of me, and part of my everyday life.

  3. An increasing amount of technology is used in our daily routines to take the place of paper. Although this may be valuable, it is also important to remember the benefits of using paper. A letter written on paper is more thoughtful, safe, and classy than a quick text message. Likewise, an animation done on paper is generally a more organic, artistic one than that of one created through the computer. Taking notes on a computer is convenient, but notes taken on paper will ultimately help the note-taker more. Mankind is moving in a direction such that, one day, there will be a complete extinction of paper. This is a dreadful picture. Next time you go to text someone, remember that there is a lonesome piece of paper in your notebook begging to be transformed into a message.

  4. This murder case is a perfect example of racial violence and racial discrimination. What happened to Emmett Till was unfortunate and it shouldn’t happen to anyone of any race. This murder case has opened many eyes in the American public and was noted as one of the leading events that motivated the American Civil Rights Movement (United States Department of Justice (May 10, 2004). "Justice Department to Investigate 1955 Emmett Till Murder". Retrieved 2007-08-24). This was a part of history and it will never be forgotten.

  5. As it can be understood, my journal is actually me. Writing in it has become a great habit and has provided numerous benefits to me. From memories to inspiration, it aids me in discovering myself and working toward a better future. It is a communication with my inner voice.

  6. Despite the physical differences in my room at home and on campus, my personality represented in each room did not alter. Both at home and at school I am comfortable with who I am. I am consistent; in both rooms, I have a neutral background with accessories to liven up the room a little bit. In both rooms, my bed and desk are the focus showing that I have equal determinations both at home and at school.

  7. The importance of the toilet bowl has never been more prominent than now. However the vast majority of the population fails to see the importance, and clearly the necessity of the toilet bowl. From an attraction stand point, the toilet definitely has no wow factor. But that doesn’t make it any less important when compared to other fancy and expensive gadgets. Virtually everyone uses the toilet bowl every day, and undeniably the users fail to realize how important it is. Americans have become so fixated on the new and upcoming advances in technology, that we fail to realize the simply things in our life. So the next time you use the toilet, take a moment to appreciate its function for what it’s worth.

  8. Ants are smart, strong, hard working insects that are a vital part of thier ecosystem.So the next time you feel the strong sadistic erge to pick up a magnifying glass and tourture a few innocent ants, actually takethe time to study them and watch some of the amazing feats they can accomplish, rather than just trying to get rid of a few of what some people consider to be pests

  9. People use sidewalks for different things everyday. They sit, walk, run, stand, jog, go bike-riding, rollerblade, play hopscotch, and many other activities. But I like to skate on the sidewalk, dodging the garbage and gum on the floor. Just from being the sidewalk you can see so much.

  10. My grandpa stil to this day has a special place in his heart for the tiny creatures, and it is not a place of honor. He continues to set the cages in his garden, placing a peanut on the trigger point so that when they pick it up, the door swoops down witha bang! Trapped. I still cringe when i pass by and hear them chattering away, darting back and forth as if an escape might magically open up since the last time they looked. I am sometimes tempted to slip the rod up and let them go free, with the rationalization that Animal Cruelty is going to catch up with him one day, and I'm helping delay it. But then I realize that there are a million and one squirrels out there helping the environment, and that the government can fight its own battles. So i whistle and contine on my merry way, watching the birds sweeping around in the sky and think, wow, aren't they pretty?

  11. In brief, a bicycle gives us benefits in commute, wisdom, earth, and health. It is significant us a solution to making a better city that New York City has been expanding bike roads radically in most areas since 2000. H.G. Wells once stated, “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” Therefore, riding a bicycle can help and protect ourselves and our future. Take a bicycle and pedal it that will explain everything.

  12. When you look in someones room, you learn a lot about the kind of person they are. You sleep in your room, work in your room, and work in your room. Some people spend a large portion of their day in their room. The things someone may see in your room will often describe
    your hobbies, interests, and personality. You can learn a lot about a person just from their room. Whether it is my mini-fridge, guitars, water bottles, skateboard, drum-set, or anything else in my room, everything has a significance in my life, and you may learn a little about what kind of person I am just from the things you see in my room.

  13. In conclusion, without the almighty pen, society and the world today would be in shambles. We would have no idea what happened in the past. We would not even achieve any where near what has been accomplished to date. Even the minute things such as; doodling in your notebook during English class, writing in a diary, or even simply leaving a note to someone about a lost book would not be accessible. Life as we know it today would be a complete opposite and possibly a world in disarray.
