Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 8th

Hi all,
As we discussed in class on Thursday, your first blog assignment is to post the introductory paragraph from your draft for essay one. The post should be up by the morning of Thursday September 16th when we meet next. Until then...all the best,
Paul Holchak


  1. umm...i wasnt sure how long the essay was supposed to be, so my introductary paragraph is kinda long. actually it might evn be part of the first body paragraph. i have no idea. let me know how to improve it...:
    when i was a little girl, my grandpa was considered an extremely wise man. While he still is, there was something special that an elderly man could impart to his little granddaughter. He would tell me anything I wanted to know, and i would listen in rapt adoration. But there was one subject on which we disagreed: squirrels.
    Oh, how he hated the "bushy-tailed rats". They would make nusiances of themselves in his attic and garden, stealing the seed from birds and scampering in his walls. He did the only logical thing he could and that was to catch them in metal traps. I was told he set them free far away, but now i know that's code for "drown them in the bay". When I found out the truth, I made up my mind to set them loose when he wasn't looking; needless to say, he wasn't exceptionally pleased with my meager rebellion.
    But what was it about "the little blighters" that had him, and every other american alive, out to get them, so to speak? They have such an interesting name, but live infamous and subtle lives. No one ever gives them second glances, and no one mourns their tragic deaths by speeding cars. Even I eventually gave them the cold shoulder and never thought of them until now.
    (i decided that the next part should probably belong in the first body paragraph after all. so i will withhold it until later)

  2. What does your bedroom say about you? Will I be able to tell what kind of person you are just from the things I can see in your room? From the doorway of my bedroom you can see a little into my life. Whether it’s that I’m a musician, an athlete, or a pig, my room speaks a little about the kind of person that I am.

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  4. How many times in your life have you written a letter to a friend just to see how they were? Do you know of many animators who still use paper to invigorate their characters? Or perhaps you have noticed that, if not all, most of your teachers request your essays to be handed in typed as opposed to written. Technological achievements are occurring at rapid rates. It appears that paper is sadly becoming obsolete; just look at the changes in written communication, the evolution of animation and the ludicrous amount that modern typing software is used in schools.

  5. “..The pen is mightier than the sword..” this is a line from the play “Richelieu Or, the Conspiracy” by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. In today’s world, not many people acknowledge the power and awesomeness that is brought out by the pen. Imagine society without the convenience of a pen. The pen has given humans the written record for thousands of years, without the pen, we would have had to rely on oral history. The pens importance is immense in the world today, without it how could society maintain itself. The question is, has anyone ever really looked deep inside the pen? To some its just plastic, a small piece of metal, a little tube of ink, but I believe it is more than that.

  6. To the outside world I was happy, I did well in school, and I hung out with my friends. What the people in my life didn’t see was the front I was putting up to anyone close enough to care. I had become a confidante to my younger cousins who were experiencing a major crisis with in their family. My experience of living abroad in Israel, gave me the opportunity to do things independently. Making my own choices and decisions helped me gain the clarity I needed, and seeing some unique ways people in Israel go about things, helped me be able to incorporate these things into my life as well.

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  8. Q1 on pg 127..

    “Journal writing is a voyage to the interior,” as once said by Christine Baldwin. From Di Vinci to Anne Frank, journal writing has proven to be a beneficial habit. It gives a form of self-expression and also self-reflection to the one writing. It gives them the freedom to express their feelings on a piece of paper without the fear of judgment. I, myself, write in a journal. Writing in the journal helps me remember the valuable and awful moments I had. The pages in the journal are filled with pictures and poems that describe my life. It’s a basis for me to reflect on my past and learn, to relieve myself of stress, and to organize. My journal plays a major role in my life since it’s filled with my personal memories and is my inner voice.

  9. My Introduction is also a little long - Sorry.
    Around eleven years ago I discovered the greatest game ever; I even found it on the back of a cereal box. Being curious, I went to the website advertised on the cereal box, and found that there was a game called “Kiki’s Dream Room Designer.” The player of the game, the designer, chooses the layout of apartment they like, chooses furniture and accessories from four different themes: Groovy, Princess, Wild West, and Space, and chooses a design for the walls and for the floor. I had so much fun designing apartments. I always loved to mix and match the different themes. When I was finished, I would always say to myself, “I definitely want to live in this apartment.” Playing this game introduced me to my love of design. Each theme represents a different way of presenting oneself. This game introduced me to the different decisions that I would need to make as a designer from paint color, to couch design, to where to place a certain table.
    There are many different areas that one can design, and those areas have many similarities and differences depending on the context they are in. A designer designs based on the workspace they are given. In my design career, I have designed my bedroom at home and my dorm room at school. When it came to designing my room at home, I participated in making the decisions from wall colors to which bed I wanted. When it came time to furnish my school bedroom, I was also very involved in making the important decisions; I knew exactly what I wanted, a tall bed with storage bins underneath, plastic drawers stacked up on one side, and my schedule and my school supplies all stored neatly on my desk. Since I was about 8 years old, I have been looking forward to going dorm room shopping.
    The types of decisions I was faced with when designing my room at home and at school were different. At home I was designing a bare room, and at school, I was accessorizing a room that already had furniture in it. Although all the same items are in each room, they are stored in different ways due to my work space restrictions. At home, I have more permanent storage space and at school I have more temporary storage space. At home, I am more hidden, and at school, I am more open. At home, most of my belongings are behind closed drawers or closed doors, but at school, mostly all of my belongings are open and revealed. At home I am more private and at school I am more open.
    Similar to the decisions I needed to make in the way I wanted to present myself in my “dream room” apartment, I had to think about the way I wanted to present myself when designing my room at school and at home. The similarities and differences between my bedroom at home and at school reflect the way I present myself in these two environments.

  10. Bicycle was invented about 1790 by comte mede de sivrac of france. The earliest bicycle was a wooden scooter-like contraption called a celerifere but it didn’t have a set of pedal. The pedal was added in the 1860’s by Pierre and Ernest Michaux. When pierre added the pedal, it called velocipedes, meaning “fast foot”. Bicycle is one of great inventions and gifts. Bicycle is not only for “fast foot” but it give joy. John F. Kennedy said “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” and bicycle give us a lot of advantage such as health, transportation, and childhood memory.

  11. As a child you may have looked through a magnifying glass at an ant but were you really looking at them or were you just trying to set them on fire? Ants are amazing creatures. Ants range from two millimeters to an inch long and consist of three main parts, the head the thorax and the abdomen. There are more than ten thousand species of ants each one of which can lift three to five hundred times their own body weight. Each species of ant are important to humans and their ecosystems. They cannot speak but they have learned to communicate with each other and can even tell if another ant is from the same ant hill community or is a stranger. They build sophisticated societies with class system with queens and slaves and even wage wars on other colonies of ants.

  12. the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and a content silence has fallen upon the neighborhood. it is another one of those spring mornings. the dog is sleeping in the sunlight with the rays highlighting the blonde in her coat. suddenly, she rose as if violently awoken. her ears perk up, scanning the perimeter for an intrusion on this tranquil morning. her eyes lock on the front door, and her expression can be read by human or animal: she is going for the kill. as she gallops to the door, the opening of a mailbox can be heard. the mailman is here is his daily routine, but to the animal it conveys one thing only - intruder alert.
    who has not had to pull away the dog from new guests or the mailman? there must be a reason that countless of films portray the scene of the mailman being chased by a dog. one minute they are acting cam and loveable and the next neurotic and vicious. dogs do this, not to be vexing or to look possessed, but to protect the ones they love.

  13. At 12:30 AM in the morning, on August 28, 1955, two grown men named Roy Bryant and his half brother J.W Milam drove to Emmett Tills’ house and kidnapped Emmett. The two men threw Emmett into the back of their truck and drove off. They took him to a shed behind Milam’s house and forced him to strip naked, pistol whipped him, and gouged out his eye. Eventually, the two men took Emmett to a swamp and shot him in the head. They tied a 70 pound cotton gin around Emmett’s head with barbed wire and dropped his body in the Tallahatchie River (Younge, Gary (2004-05-22). "US reopens murder case that lit civil rights fuse". Retrieved 2010-08-28). Three days later on August 31, Emmett's body was found floating near the bank of the river. This horrific murder happened because of one comment that Emmett Till made to a white woman, “Bye, Baby”.

  14. It is very easy to take certain aspects of one’s daily life for granted, while growing up in a modernized country, like the United States. Something that we as a civilized nation takes for granted more so than anything else, is the toilet bowl. Everyone uses it every day. We sit or stand, then flush. Using the toilet has become second nature to many, and thus we often over look its importance. In an age where virtually everyone has a smart phone or personal computer, the public has essentially overlooked the importance of the basic things in life that have made our way of living easier than ever before.
